Vice City
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Hello and welcome to the Gta Vice City web site!
Gta vice city is the best rockstar game ever made. You are Tommy Versetty
A good tip for when you havn't unlocked the bridge to the second island
When you still have just the first island heres a good tip :- Go to my cheats page and get the fly cheat fly over to the other island all the way Downtown, find a little land and theres a place with three shutters buy that place!!!! Once you go upstairs (on to the roof) there is a helicopter it will not be there is you havn't bought the place, and thats how you get a helicopter before you unlock the bridges! NOTE: If the helicopter isn't there get into a car and drive down the road and come back, it will be there!

As you can see I love motor bikes
Send an e-mail for mission help!
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